Juhe offers metal building frames main categories:CS Clear Span, MS Multi Span, CL Classic, HS High Span, SST Single Slope, SSS Single Slope, LT Lean-To, Customo Designs. Our primary framing acts as a single unit after assembly that will support the load of the finished structure while transferring the weight to the foundation.
Juhe has a generous selection of secondary structural shapes, sizes, and gauges to fit your every need. Secondary structural framing includes purlins and girts (cee and zee profiles), eave struts, base angles, clips, and other miscellaneous structural parts, which are the members that support the wall and roof panels.
Girt conditions refer to the method in which horizontal girts are attached to the exterior columns of your building. The decision on which structural members to use will be based on the economy of each member, the wall system used, product application, or by customer choice.
(1) The lifting large there must be a person responsible for the use of fixture, suitable, strictly abide by the
rules of lifting, to prevent the occurrence of vibration, impact, deformation or damage, fall in the hoisting process.
Q1: How long does it take to get my building?